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Christin Deacon

Health Equity Access & Literacy

Updated: Nov 28, 2022

The United States is one of the top incarcerators of women in the world

The truth we need to know... While we may not want to think about it (out of sight, out of mind), the truth is people all around us need help. We pass by them on the streets begging for money, we drive by their destitute neighborhoods and we assume someone else will do the dirty work. Unfortunately, we've gotten too busy helping ourselves that we have forgotten to help others. Our mission at Heal 4 Her is to draw attention to the women who are continuously denied access to quality health care within the prison system. It is so easy to get lost in our daily struggles; lost with our consuming house and workloads; lost scrolling through social media; lost worrying about what others might think of us. I don't have the time or resources to help others... do I? I have decided to take action, and I hope you will join me. Below are just a few of the many cries out for help from incarcerated women... please hear them and the pain their voices carry.

"We're all scared of this place getting infected it only takes one guard or the wrong inmate for it to be spread in here like fire in a barn." "Being locked up with no fighting chance is wrong. To have a death sentence because of lack of medical supplies basically it's like sitting on death row!" "I need my surgery for my cervical and ovarian cancer it was supposed to be done on Jan. 22, 2020. I am very sick and weak I have a lot of pain and very sick." "I had to beg once again to have treatment. They seem to ignore us. Like we're dumb or don't know what we're talking about (with) our own health. It feels like (the women) are being seen and not heard at all."

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